Thank you…today I needed this point of view. I took myself away from the screen and into the kitchen where I made French Onion Soup from scratch, and am now making cinnamon rolls. We’ve been told not to hate…but I find that, especially this situation, as you say we need to harness that anger, hate and turn it into productive energy!!

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Hate is a tricky word, especially for people who consider themselves on 'spiritual paths' or who work as pacifists. The key is to denude the word of the associations we've acquired over the years. If hate is considered a specific type of energy, we're closer to seeing what we can learn from it. People lie to themselves, though, and prefer not to acknowledge their hatred. I think that's a mistake.

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Brilliant! Most of us have been raised thinking hate is hateful...! And if, like those of my age, we traversed the flower-child, hippy, guruish 1960s/70s, we believed that hate was only negative and nothing positive could come of it. Kum by yah. Hate certainly wasn't groovy. One thing that the liberal left should have learned by now from the far right is that hate can be a very effective weapon. Like you, I've taken a breather following the election but am already again posting vehemently about the Dirtbag and his cohorts. I am no longer correcting my leftist friends when they post something false or misleading as long as it is an attack on the right. Fight fire with fire. Or, more aptly, shit with shit. We have entered an era where courtesy and fact are dismissed by hate and falsity. And like the captain who goes down with his ship out of a sense of propriety, we are skinking fast. Those pardoned are soon going to be commiting violence again and their victims do not need our thoughts and prayers. They need our laser focused hate.

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As I note in the piece, if we don't give them our attention, that's a first step in progressing into another type of activism. Hatred (renamed and channeled effectively) will meet power to power.

Chances are we won't live to see what those changes might be or if they are even enacted. There have been countless empires on the planet, rising and falling; we seem to have been born into a descending arc in the US.

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I too am a Cancer and I loath what is going on in this country with the group that follows dt like he’s their salvation. I was a teenager in the 60s and I remember well the sentiments of those opposed to war and government overreach. I am nearly speechless in the face of the blatant anti-American shit/excrement that’s happening now.

I refuse to react to them though. So I’m looking for an alternate way through the next 4 years.

Keep writing! Your thoughts gone me something to bounce off from.

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I will, Sharon, keep up the feedback. We're in a dialogue here.

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My personal favorite: “…why can’t they just make their money and fuck off?" Anger has always been a big motivator in my life (not so much hate). I'm part Aqua, part Pisces so while I loved the optimism of the Obama administration, it was sort of weird to be kumbaya with politics. Art in general is way more cool when it's on the outside too. This is all the positive side of this switch and I gotta have my Pisces fix. Although my Saturn in Cancer hopes it's not dimming your Cancer Sun ;)

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Your Saturn is fine with my Sun. I've a natal trine between the two, so I can slip into that Saturnine solar framework easily.

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Oh good. Cancer also happens to rule my Midheaven with Saturn as the most elevated and the apex of a boomerang Yod. Venus in Pisces in trine so I'm getting loads of lessons about it right now.

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Thank you, Frederick. It occurred to me recently -- no idea why it took so long -- that "hatred" is also "hat red"...and this doesn't seem like a coincidence.

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Oh, wow. Yes. That's a meme in the making for sure. Thanks, Elisabeth.

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Thank you! As always, insightful, affirming, timely and actionable (which we need right now). In deep gratitude for you. 🖤🖤🖤

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It was a risky piece to write, Stephanie, especially given that so many people involved with astrology see themselves on spiritual paths that disconnect them from the power of hatred.

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I figured this all out last September when I realized what my hatred of Donaldae Trumpescu and the Republikaner was doing to me, though I can't express it as eloquently as this piece. And so I went to the UK to visit Chatsworth House, eat Bakewell pie, walk Hadrian's wall, and try haggis in Edinburgh. There is so much beauty in the world to experience on your own away from media. Enjoy it all while you still can, just like the character Hirayama in the film "Perfect Days".

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A beautiful set of reminders from your UK sojourn. And, of course, evoking Perfect Days again. Which I need to rewatch again.

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I don't know about hate, but I'm good at using my rage. Maybe it's all the same "dark" emotion.

I still like the image of Kali better😂

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You say Kali, I say Mahakala...there IS something similar or close to similar in their names!

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Here I am again, she who never comments on the articles/blogs she reads. But as has been said ad nauseam: "these are unprecedented times." And once again I am commenting due to another synchronicity. This afternoon, I was taking a walk with my wise and delightful canine divinity "Krishna" down a bucolic road on Rhode Island's Farm Coast where I live and in my head, I was yelling at my 85-year-old,Trump-supporting farmer/neighbor Bill about what a democracy-destroying stupid sucker he was! And then I stopped myself, because my ego-exhilarating tirade was profound proof of just how far I was from being truly "enlightened." While anger is a legitimate temporary emotion, sustained hatred is seriously deleterious not only to the level of one's consciousness, but also to one's immune system, not to mention the social system as a whole. Plus, I actually LOVE Bill, even though politically he is an idiot, and has refused to listen to any of my political and personal arguments, which is shocking as I have a degree in philosophy from Yale! LOL (Heidegger one of my favorite philosophers was a NAZI and Sartre was an apologist for Stalin. So much for egg heads!) As a former New Yorker, I have told him I know people who knew this Queens-born fuhrer back in the day when he was just "The Donald." He was despicable then, too, but in a more innocuous, dworky way.

Growing up I always wondered what it would be like to have lived in Germany in the late 1930s and detested the Nazis, who may have been your friends and family. And now, here I am in a similar situation. If there is a spark of the divine in all of us, however, can we really settle into hating those we deeply disagree with? If the universe, as revealed by the current configuration of the planets, has ordained us to experience another four years of a monster as president is focusing on hating him going to improve the situation? That's not what Martin Luther King did. Or Gandhi. Or even, so recently and tragically, Alexei Navalny. They all encouraged vigorous, peaceful, courageous ways to change the political status quo, but not by focusing on hatred. In the case of my buddy Bill, he is, ironically, a very good neighbor with a big heart and a strong sense of decency. He has been mislead because of the limitations of his education, experience, and his love of NewsMax and Fox. While his flawed beliefs could lead him to do evil things, they haven't yet. Beyond the fact that he voted for a tyrant, which was his democratic right.

As Tom Paine once said, "these are the times that try mens' souls." And I believe we in the opposition are being required by the universe to rise to a higher level of consciousness in dealing with this godawful situation. We are not meant to fancy ourselves as "the great black one," but to bow before its truly divine and awesome wrath as it annihilates the world we knew. And the whole point of Mahākāla is he shows no mercy. If we believe ourselves to be spiritual, to be "good," then we must steer toward the light no matter what as this new world is born. That, as I see it, is our karma and our dharma as humans living now. And it is clearly going to be hell!

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Your comments, Marisa, deserve an entirely new post on my part.

I think it's easier for me to access hatred because I've denuded the word from how we've been conditioned to consider it. Especially those who consider themselves embodying metaphysical principles

Also, I long ago stepped off of the 'spiritual path' and landed in a kind of neutral zone that I'd imagine is familiar to most agnostics. So, gone are the notions of 'higher' and 'lower,' etc.

But thank you for this killer commentary. There's much to mull over here. I'll see where it takes me.

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Why they have to make a big noise about the money instead of just going away and enjoying it --- I don't think money is all that much fun after a while. If you have a pair of shoes that cost $5,000, don't you kind of have to make everyone look at your shoes with envy? Jealousy? Hate, even? What's the point of paying $5,000 for a pair of Jimmy Choos if no one else is jealous? Just sayin.'

Love you, as always . . .

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Thank you, MZ.

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Here's to the Wrathful Deities. And in my dreams am on that blessed isle right there with you, brother.

In unrelated news, have to shout out the astrology of Bishop Budde's (pronounced Boody, apparently) sermon last week, and the insanity that ensued. Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces (Bishop Mariann G Buddde) , with Mercury in Capricorn opposite Mars in Cancer (Moon crossing from Venus-ruled Libra to Mars-ruled Scorpio).

May need to camp out in your Jesus bathroom.

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I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. I actually had to check on Snopes to see if what I'd watched was real or a mashup video of some kind. I don't need someone pleading for mercy for me during this fucked up phase we're stuck in. Intentions were good, but often the best one's go awry.

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I hear you, and would have offered a slight editorial hand on the sermon, myself, but it was essentially BASIC shit; like Jesus 101 - which seemed to have been lost on the 'Christian' aligned DJT crowd. But what was fascinating to me was the astrology! Mercury was on the MC at the time, with Venus-ruled Taurus rising. I saw it at work (I actually work at the largest Episcopal Cathedral in the world, so it was all tf over the place. I have a background in biblical scholarship but entered that world through a decidedly heretical back door, and am not aligned with any cult - outside of the Woodruff Fan Club) before the whole to-do.... But the astrology struck me as fascinating - and pretty much a go-to activity to keep the fuckery from seeping in too far.

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Nicely written Frederick. Over the years I've certainly explored the energy of hatred. I found that once I engage with it, in that I cast my woes on the perpetrator, strangely enough the perpetrator becomes more powerful and my psychic real estate is consumed. I am caught in the Matrix pure and simple. 3D theatre at best. Meanwhile, there is so much else happening in our multi-verse that we merely need to look above the fray. This is not ignoring or denying the issue at hand, it is allowing a greater force to enter. And since our outer planets will soon enter Fire and Air signs I'm hopeful that it will become more obvious and utilized. Anyhow, I remain an opti-mystic that before long, "this too shall pass".

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I think the key is to not 'cast' it on anyone and simply work with what the psyche is already generating and attempting to manage. I often set my hatred into the parameters of different creative projects I get involved with. My entire book on Jeffrey Dahmer was galvanized by the hatred I felt regarding the 17 innocent lives he took. I wanted to write a book where those murders were avenged in a roundabout, albeit fictional, way.

I'm also eager for the fire and air shift that's upcoming. It's long overdue.

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"...if we don't give them our attention, ..." This is an issue for mainstream media and the news, which Trump has played skillfully to his advantage. If he has any talent, it is for drawing attention to himself and sucking it away from others. I wish the media would wise up but see no sign that it will. It's ratings and revenue are dependent upon shock value, headlines, 30 second slaps in the face. To be frank, what you or I or any of our friends post online is not going to have much impact. Collectively as a bellwether, it may. Social currents are broad and deep and often subversive and hard to detect. That is where hate "renamed" may be "channeled effectively." How to rename hate? Loathe? Abhor? It needs to be something that does not imply vengence or vindictiveness. Resent? Too tame? Perhaps anger? I am just so fucking angry? Time for the thesaurus...

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I think it's just 'hatred'. There is no need to find another label for it. In fact, it's the labeling in life that generally fucks things up (unless you're trying to catch a bus to get to work on time...then you need the street names, etc.). LOL.

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Love this commentary! I've been figuring out how to move to Anguilla.......

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Keep us posted, Loretta!

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Reading your piece led me to think more deeply about hatred. Yeah I am from that 60/70's love and peace era, so hatred is not a feeling that I invite into my life. Hatred as you propose it seems to be a lens that can focus the light and set a fire, or diffuse it and cast a broad illumination.

The Chariot, in the Rider Waite Tarot deck, has their spear ready to be thrown, with great focus. There are no reins, the Charioteer drives by other means. Hatred can become hardened, and used like a weapon; hatred can also color everything with its wash of emotion. Its not necessarily anger, more like a weather system, an on-shore wind that blows ill. It is corrosive, one needs to handle with care in order to not suffer - I think of chemicals that require masks and gloves along with knowledge and a level of skill, to protect the user.

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Wonderful commentary, Gerogene. Thank you.

And yes, it's very much like a light moving through a magnifying glass -- at least as I've experienced it.

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I love your hate. Another gift of perspective from you.

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