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Jul 26
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I imagine there will be dreamed of exoduses after the election, regardless of the new president, with very few people actually leaving -- many countries, given the madness in the US, aren't interested in us becoming citizens.

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Jul 26
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To be clear, I didn't say people with Libra dominant ARE bisexual, but they do, often, have command of the energies and demeanors of both sexes at their command, although often unconsciously.

That's true, re left-wing fruitcakes, although presently they aren't on the Supreme Court.

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I’m looking at Kamala’s secondary progressed Moon, which is now nudging up to be conjunct the USA’s (Sibley) Sun, at 13°19’ Cancer.

This conjunction perfects mid-October.

Frederick, do you see this as a sign for her success at the polls just a few weeks later?

Also, just totally interesting that Kamala and Donald both have natal full Moons (very tight orb for Kamala) in Air/Fire. Could this mean that the ‘campaign’ is shaping up to be even more of a spectacle than we might have imagined?? Kind of like a contest to see who can polish a turd to be the most shiny 🤪

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Hi V@GWE I don't work with progressed charts, but regardless, that's a fascinating link up, as you note. And I agree regarding their full Moon fire/air combinations. This will be an incendiary match up.

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Fascinating, your take on Hillary. When she was running I told all of my friends I feared she would lose because she wasn't believable. I always felt there was a filter to everything she said, that she never spoke directly from her gut. There was the smiling Hillary but I felt at any moment her face might crack and fall off like a shattered mask. The one and only time I think she did speak from the gut was during the Benghazi hearings when, after many hours of Republican grilling, she blew up and lashed out very loudly and, I think, genuinely. That was the real Hillary. Had she showed her real self during the race, even though it might have been scary, she might have won. That dovetails with your astrological take. And I LOVED the Vance song. I reposted it for all my friends to have a listen.

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Yeah, the Benghazi meltdown revealed the 'true' Hill. God knows the Repubs got enough mileage from the clip; you'd see it every five minutes back in the day.

I think she was focused-grouped to death, tho--with so much riding on the notion of the first female president, etc. And then you put that up against Trump's raw, unapologetic style. Of course, she won the popular vote, but -- well, here we are again. Sort of.

It's interesting to consider how prescient Gerald Ford was back in the day:


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Thanks for posting. Looking forward to your further commentary and insight as this plays out. The wheel of fortune spins again!

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Thank you for this!!! And for the great video!! Shared all around. I appreciate your work!

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Thank you, Cee. I appreciate your support.

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Your Gay vibes equal Libra comments make my heart sing. For years I have said that Libra is Venus in drag! Just look at her with that pointy stick! Anyway, And yes, I am also a Libra Moon with Lots of Gemini - Sun/Rising! And I still love Dick. Could it be total immersion into every possible iteration of #12 to which my entire entourage subscribes? I vote yes! The Usual Suspects, when "playing against type" can appear other than their innate natures. It takes the true seer to see through the layers. Huzzah, my friend!

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And just so you know, I just posted my own wrecktification of Vance's chart, wherein I imposed a Cancer rising due to his Moon/Pluto array landing the Mother's house. As i explained in the article, I do this through my own oceanic logic, commonly known by me as "feelio"! Good Times! smiley face.

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Right, I can't imagine him with anything but a Cancer ascendant, given that giant round toddler head.

My Sun in the 12th bows before your 'oceanic logic.'

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Your Apollo and My messenger meet in the deep. Mine rides the ruminating cow godEss. What critter does your Hero ride?

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Thanks for the insightful analysis! Loved the musical interlude...and isn't it interesting how the meme of the "couch story" lands on JDV's Saturn in Scorpio... that must really hurt!

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Oh, man, JD's couch debacle -- that wasn't even true. But such is the world we live in today, sometimes 'alternate facts' come back and bite us in the ass.

As soon as I heard about that meme I flashed on a chapter in Jonathan Franzen's The Corrections, where a brother in the story does actually fuck an ottoman.

Art. Fact. Fiction. Blurry lines.

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