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Oct 7
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And don’t stop looking lest you be slurped into the black hole.

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Really nice shirt! And thanks for standing up for the little guy. I also appreciate your swearing. Free speech, baby!

Also, a gal posted in my forum... she said they she and here peers were instructed to remove their personalities from their work communications. They want these things standardized. They want them to sound like AI, no doubt so they can replace them, seamlessly.

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ELSA!!!!!!!!! great to see you here. We need to catch up and do another cast.

Right, we’ve now entered the dehumanizing, homogenization zone. It first started with social media (what an oxymoron) and now it’s the AI fever dream that wants a lifeless baseline to relate everything and EVERYONE to. Jesus.

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Oh my goodness! First, so good to see and hear you! And secondly, BUTTHOLES. Whaaaat the heck is even happening?

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Hey Seth! Astrology is coming for you! 😂

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I’ll take it!

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Waiting for the swirly 💩 logos any day now. Also look out for toilet seats.

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That made me laugh!

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Check out Marshall McCluhan, media prophet, and the man who predicted the internet.

The Medium is the Massage book, is revelatory.

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Absolutely, yes. I’m a longtime McLuhan maniac—most of my views on modern tech are influenced by his insights and super prescient prophecies!

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awesome I'll check it out

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You slay me lol. I have always loved your straight talk. And I am now going to see buttholes everywhere :D

And I love your hat too :)

Where is best to message you to ask you something?

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Hey Louise:

woodruff.astrology @ gee mail . com

Talk to you later.

Glad u enjoyed the rant.

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One for your annals of greatness! I'm enjoying seeing you more on video now.

It's fascinating to consider that no one every calls Emperor's New Clothing on all of this tech nonsense. I'm particularly weary of all of the endless AI hype. What little I've experimented with it left me shaking my head, and going back to my book.

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Since I've never used any of those AI things, I haven't seen their logos before this. I don't trust AI, or more precisely, I don't trust the humans creating this shit show.

"Butthole" makes me think of the band Butthole Surfers.

Again, my thanks for the giggles, and for kicking my brain out of neutral😂

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Long live TBHSs!!!

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It's so irritating!

On the podcast, I'd love to. I was thinking about your cast over the weekend. How extraordinary it is to get four independent people together, see them get along and have no one pushing an agenda (or themselves). I was happy to have been part of that little miracle. Thank you!

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Yes, a semi miracle.

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Oct 8Edited

Fabulously astute observation!!! Although I'd say the liberal left agenda is equally 'soiled' by it, if not more strongly straining (geddit) people away from human soil into the meta-verse where anyone can be anything and nothing is more than something... really enjoyed and will share with my 'bros' who are constantly sending me AI summaries of things instead of reading and thinking for themselves.

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To be clear, I wasn’t setting this up as a right or left phenomenon.

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Oh I see, I had assumed by the emphasis on the republican candidates views on it haha ;). Thank you!

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It was clear by the time Trump made presidency in 2016 the right had successfully inflated media marketing successfully. With help of foreign influence to boot 👢 As an American abroad under GDPR I was watching my fellow countrymen get bombarded with fake news to sway demographics.

I'm not an astrologer so don't look heavily into transits, but I'm betting there was heavy Plutoian shifts from 2014-2016.

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If we could rally a bunch of astro content creators and host a pod on this topic, it would be a good predictive measure of trends to expect in the coming decade 💡

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I like this idea, try to arrange it!

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Hey, Woody. I replied to this content and it got out of hand!


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Wow, that spun off into terrain I'd never have imagined!

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I know, right? So far, only one unsubscriber, but the day is young!

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OMG, did they say why they unsubscribed?

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Nah. Just the requisite "please unsubscribe me"

But it wasn't from Substack, it was an email recipient from my own gmail list. So actually, that's a fairly great response! Right? Only One!

I am emboldened! Huzzah!!!!

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just so fabulous... And I concur; you look fantastic.

Asshole as mandala of the era basically sums it up...

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