The Horror of Today's Mars Pluto Square
Or, drop the hyperbole and consider how the necessity to shit maintains the health of your body and psyche.
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ASTROLOGERS CAN’T SEEM TO SHAKE the vestiges from the traditional school of astrology, which, in Romper Room fashion, divides astrological circumstances into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ categories. Trines are good, squares are bad, Scorpio is spooky, and Leo is fabulous. And on and on.
Astrology is a macrocosm of the microcosm. From the life of a single cell to the spiraling whirls of a galaxy far away, animate and (seemingly) inanimate life follows similar sequences of conception, growth, maintenance, and decay. And then it’s all back to the start of the process again.
Did you know that each cell in your body contains a particular segment that’s isolated from the other inner contents of the cell? This component includes toxic residues held in place until they can be discharged safely through the cell’s wall to be filtered and expelled by the body’s eliminatory system. This segment and process could be said to have its cosmic complement to the function of the planets Mars and Pluto.
Through resonance, or what some astrologers call the ‘law of correspondence,’ all organic functions in life have their astrological correlates. Because we have bigger brains than most mammals, we have, over the centuries, also developed a psychological language to convey more complex astrological principles as well. Those that ping pong around in the psyche.
Psychology’s nomenclature allows us to talk to astrological clients in a manner different from that of astrologers in ancient Mesopotamia.
Take today’s Mars square to Pluto as an example. You can hand-ring and agonize about some anticipated destructive expression of the transit, or you can do the levelheaded algebra of the moment and come up with something like:
Mars ( the necessity to move something forward), square (with an inescapable momentum which, when ignored, becomes tension), Pluto (the final phase of decay and expulsion that clears the slate for a new life—or reestablishment of health).
See what I mean?
Now, if you bring the signs that the two planets occupy into the mix, you can reveal even more specific details about the transit.
Share your insights below, as I don’t want to spell everything out for everybody.
Opening painting detail from: The Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch c. 1490-1505
⭐️ My new book, I Love You Jeffrey Dahmer arrives in July 2024! ⭐️
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• Bad Astrology is Everywhere (my most popular last year).
Yep, still one of THE very best writers and astrologers, both and separately, out there.
Apropos to the (please dear beloved mother of god) almost-over notice I received about a legal dispute (in my favor) that has literally messed with my digestion and 1st chakra overall. The notice still freaked the shit out of me, but your analysis takes the matter onto higher ground. Also: How did Heironimous get away with it? Curious about his other lives.
I've been wondering all afternoon, how is it that I keep expelling unusual amounts from my bladder, sorry, TMI, but seriously, I lost about four pounds today, all water. So yeah, I think it works with #1 and #2. Geez, this rarely happens to me and I never ever post stuff like this. It's temporary, I'm sure. Thanks for the heads up!